Personal Injury Lawyer 
Winter Park and Orlando, FL
(407) 995-6770

Overweight and Overloaded Trucks

Experienced attorney who will seek maximum compensation for you

High standards have been set for the trucking industry, but that doesn’t mean the rules are always followed. To save money, there are transportation services that will overload trucks with cargo past legal limits. Overloading increases the risk of truck accidents, including rollovers, that can lead to serious injuries.

Dump trucks, cement mixers and other large trucks that are overweight and overloaded are harder to control. This leads to accidents that were easily preventable if laws and procedures were followed. When trucking companies put profits over the safety of others, The Cerasa Law Firm LLC holds them accountable.

If you or a loved one was injured in an overweight or overloaded truck accident, it’s important that you understand your rights. Our firm gives free, no-obligation case consultations to accident victims. Attorney Michael Cerasa can explain how the law applies to your case and the best strategy to win you the money you need to recover.

Who’s responsible in an overloaded truck accident?

Recovering compensation after you were hit by an overloaded truck can be complicated. There are often more parties than just the trucker at-fault in this type of crash. Attorney Cerasa seeks compensation for accident victims from all responsible parties, which may include:

  • Trucking company
  • Cargo owner
  • Cargo loaders
  • Truck owner
  • Vehicle parts manufacturers
  • Maintenance crews.

Any or all these parties may have contributed to your accident-related injuries. They all have lawyers and insurance companies who may try to pin the accident on you or another scapegoat. Your health and financial stability are at stake. When it’s time to negotiate your settlement, it's best to have a thoroughly prepared, experienced, no-nonsense attorney at your side.

Overweight truck accident causes

Overloaded trucks are most likely to get into an accident when they deviate from a straight path. The added weight makes it more difficult for the vehicles to slow and stop properly. It also puts extra stress on truck wheels and frames causing braking systems to wear down more quickly or malfunction.

The added weight can tip trucks twisting down highway off-ramps, but there doesn’t have to be such a large change in speed and direction to cause an overloaded truck to crash. Overweight trucks are also known to cause accidents when making lane changes.

Common overweight truck crash injuries

Getting hit by a fully loaded 70,000-80,000-pound truck is bad enough, but when it’s hauling 10,000 extra pounds the damage can be even worse. And when a truck and car collide, it’s usually the people in the passenger vehicle who suffer the most.

Injuries that can result from overloaded truck accidents include broken bones, soft tissue damage, spinal and neck injuries, and traumatic brain injuries or TBIs, just to name a few.

Harm caused by truck crashes often lead to lifelong injuries. It is important that you are fully compensated now for the damage done to you by someone else’s negligence or greed. To stay healthy, you don’t only require funds to cover current medical bills. You’re going to need to have money available for any accident-related treatments, surgeries, equipment or therapy you may need years later.

Very few people can successfully go back, 5, 10, or more years from now, to the people who hurt them and demand that they pay for accident-related treatment for chronic injuries.

One-on-one attention from an attorney with big firm experience

In more than 15 years in practice, Attorney Cerasa has seen the compounded impact accidents involving overweight and overloaded trucks have had on victims in the Central Florida community. He is passionate about holding negligent parties responsible and getting accident victims the funds they need to pay for medical expenses as well as other damages they may have suffered, such as:

  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Loss of income
  • Cost or car repairs
  • Lowered quality of life
  • Mental anguish
  • Rehabilitation.

Attorney Cerasa began his career working in a large legal firm where he was able to hone his negotiation and litigation skills. Cerasa gives his clients the sharp insight and aggressive representation of a large firm, with the personal attention those firms can’t offer. Our firm has a reputation for listening to clients, understanding their accident circumstances as well as needs, and making a hardline strategy designed to get their lives back on track.

No out-of-pocket costs

So, how much is it going to cost you to hire an experienced Orlando lawyer to take on the insurance companies for you? Zero dollars. Attorney Cerasa represents most accident victim claims on contingency, which means there is no out-of-pocket expense for you to pay. Our fee is calculated into the final settlement or verdict, which is paid by the at-fault person’s insurance company – not you. We only get paid when we win.

We offer a free case evaluation to truck accident victims. Contact us today to learn how much your case is worth and learn your best options going forward.

Office Location

Winter Park, FL

1095 W Morse Blvd #100
Winter Park, FL 32789
(407) 995-6770

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