Personal Injury Lawyer 
Winter Park and Orlando, FL
(407) 995-6770

Insurance Companies and Motorcycle Accident Claims

The Cerasa Law Firm will fight for substantial injury compensation

It may seem obvious who was at fault in the motorcycle accident that caused your injuries. Maybe you were hit when a car ran a stop sign or a trucker took a wide left turn into your path. It’s clear the at-fault person is the car or truck driver – or at least it’s clear to everyone except your insurance adjuster.

The Cerasa Law Firm LLC has seen time and time again that it doesn’t matter how straightforward or complicated an accident is, the insurance companies will make it difficult for you to get the compensation you need to recover and maintain your long-term health. Our law firm serves clients all over Central Florida, including the I-4 corridor.

Insurance adjusters have many strategies they use to reduce and reject claims. They are very good at tricking injured bikers – some of whom have just been run over by a minivan or hit by a fully loaded semi-truck weighing 80,000 pounds – into unwittingly giving statements that hurt their settlements.

Protect yourself, family, and future with Cerasa

The insurance industry makes billions of dollars every year in profits by shortchanging capable accident victims like you and denying legitimate claims. An experienced Florida attorney can negotiate with the insurance company’s investigators, adjusters and lawyers for you.

You want to make the right moves that will allow you to heal from injuries like broken bones, road rash, spinal or head injuries. While you work hard to rebound from your injuries, Motorcycle accident lawyer Michael Cerasa will be working on your case: gathering evidence, reviewing documents, and making strategic arguments.

Attorney Cerasa will be with you every step of the way through the claim process. The insurance company will try to pressure you into answering questions, making recorded statements, or quickly accepting a small settlement. Attorney Cerasa will fight to get you the maximum settlement you require to heal from your injuries and provide a stable financial future for you and your family.

Our firm offers free case consultations and takes most motorcycle accident claims on contingency, which means you pay nothing out of pocket for our services. We only get paid when we win. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having an attorney represent your motorcycle accident claim.

Common insurance company tricks

Insurance companies have a variety of tricks they use to get seriously injured people to say the exact words and phrases that can justify rejecting your claim. Here are some of the more common ones.

We’re here to help you

Adjusters do not work for you – and that includes the one from your own insurance provider. When they talk to you, it’s to find reasons to subtract money from the payout their employer owes you.

An adjuster will most likely try to convince you that they are there to help you prove your claim. They may even note that they are legally obligated to support you by the “good faith” rule in Florida’s official insurance code.

Don’t buy it. The good faith rule does exist, but it is incredibly difficult for a civilian to enforce. Unless you have an experienced Florida lawyer on your side, you are betting your health and family’s future that a corporate insurance adjuster will do the right thing and make full payment on your claim. There are scratch tickets with better odds.


When insurance adjusters come around, they will have already studied your policy inside and out. They will likely use industry lingo to confuse you. They want you to think that their interpretation is the only one that counts when it comes to your policy’s:

  • Limits of liability
  • Exclusions
  • Conditions
  • Limits on territory
  • Burden of proof

A policy is a contract and a contract is always open for interpretation. At The Cerasa Law Firm LLC, we can almost guarantee that our interpretation of your policy will be different than what the insurance company thinks.

When the insurance companies try to tap dance around their responsibilities after, for example, a slide-out on International Speedway Boulevard in Daytona or a head-on collision with a tractor-trailer on Old Polk City Road in Polk City, attorney Cerasa shuts them down. He knows the law and what the insurance company owes you. If an adjuster doesn’t offer you a full settlement, attorney Cerasa will bring them to court.

Say it again

Your insurance adjuster is looking for any excuse to reject or minimize your claim. They will most likely ask you different versions of the same question over and over again in the hopes that you give a slightly different answer. They want to make you look confused or accuse you of lying. If, for example, you describe the car that hit you on Semoran Boulevard as “dark-colored, maybe navy” one minute and “black” the next, that could be the end of your claim. At the very least, in this instance, talking like a normal person may have cost you thousands of dollars.

It’s now or never

A common tactic of most insurance adjusters, or shady used car salesmen for that matter, is the limited time offer.

Your adjuster will probably try to get you to accept a too-small settlement right away. They may tell you this is all you’re owed, and you can take it or leave it. They likely won’t give you much time to decide on this either. They don’t want to give you the opportunity to realize that you can get an experienced and aggressive Orlando attorney to represent your claim – at no out-of-pocket expense to you.

The last thing the insurance company wants is to have to negotiate with someone who doesn’t put up with their tactics. When attorney Cerasa is representing you, the insurance company must take you seriously.

Do I really need an attorney?

Your insurance adjuster wants you to believe that you don’t need a lawyer on your side of the negotiating table, even though they have a battalion of legal experts over at corporate.

It is too much for any injured person to take on the insurance company’s investigators, adjusters, and lawyers alone. Even lawyers hire other lawyers to handle their motorcycle accident claims.

You’re likely only going to have one shot to get all the money that is essential for a lifetime of accident injury recovery. Your settlement needs to include compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, diminished earning potential, medical treatment like surgeries, physical therapy, medical devices, disability equipment, and property damage, among other things. Attorney Cerasa can help you calculate how much money is necessary to make you whole after an accident – right now and in the future.

One-on-one attention from an attorney with big firm experience

Attorney Cerasa has won millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for those injured in Florida motorcycle accidents and other personal injury victims. To get you the maximum compensation for your damages, he combines the critical knowledge and tactics he honed working at a large law firm with the unique personal attention those firms can’t offer.

Our firm takes most motorcycle accident cases on contingency, which means the at-fault party’s insurance company pays for your legal counsel and our fee is calculated into the settlement.

Contact us for a free case consultation. We will listen to you talk about what happened as well as the damages you suffered. Then we’ll create an aggressive strategy that will give you the best chance to get you the money you deserve and require to recover from your accident.

Office Location

Winter Park, FL

1095 W Morse Blvd #100
Winter Park, FL 32789
(407) 995-6770

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